Sunday, August 28, 2011

Add Scrolling Headlines Widget to Your Blog for Professional Blog Design

Scrolling Headlines widget shows recent post titles of your blog like scrolling news headlines as seen in new web sites and TV news channels. Adding the widget to your blogger beta is very easy. In the following form

  1. Change "yourblogname" with your blog name
  2. Add code to your blog

Just copy the above code and paste it in new widget of your blog. Also, don’t forget to add your sitename in the last line of HTML code where I’ve mentioned “”. I mean just replace it with your sitename and you are done. 

Printing XML: Why CSS Is Better than XSL

 Longtime readers of will remember the battles between XSL and CSS that took place in these columns in 1999 and that were emorialized in XSL and CSS: One Year Later. Since then, the two languages have coexisted in relative peace: CSS is now used to style most web sites, XSLT (the transformation part of XSL) is used by many server-side, and XSL-FO (the formatting part of XSL) has found a niche in the printing industry.

A recent entry in the blog of a web luminary may signal the start of a second round of hostilities. Norman Walsh, a member of the W3C’s

Technical Architecture Group and co-author of the W3C’s Web Architecture document (WebArch), recently blogged: